Versatile Grain Handling Services Provide Options For You
Each year you invest a significant amount of time, effort and resources into your crops, so helping you achieve the best return possible is very important to us. Whether you are storing your grain for use in animal feed or want help marketing your grain, we can help.
As a federally licensed grain dealer our knowledgeable specialists can provide expert advice about current market conditions and help develop a plan that fits your needs.
For your convenience we have multiple scales and multiple unloading pits to make unloading quicker and to help get you back to the farm for the next load. At certain times of the year our Southside location may also be accepting grain.
Contact Northside for spot sale, futures, basis and delayed payment contracting options. Take the opportunity to maximize your profits on your grain crop, call us at (715) 255-8507 and ask about a custom solution for you.
Please check our website frequently when hauling in your harvest. Current hours and locations accepting grain will always be posted at the bottom of this and every other site page.
Northside Elevator is a member of the Wisconsin Agri-Business Association.

Cameron Brussow
Client Relations Merchandiser
Email Cameron