No More Than Necessary. No Less Than Required.
Northside Elevator offers the latest technology for agronomy services, Precision Ag. Our Precision Agronomy program provides a customized approach to smarter, more efficient input use. Starting from the ground up, we offer industry leading tools to make you more profitable—from GPS based grid soil sampling, dual product variable-rate fertilizer applications, variable-rate seed prescriptions, yield mapping analysis, UAV (drone) flights, and satellite imagery.

Recent downward trends in soil nutrient levels like Potassium (a key, and often yield-limiting nutrient), requires new thinking. Traditional “starter” or other types of fertilizers applied in the past no longer supplement the nutrients removed in annual production.
Therefore, a key area of focus involves our grid soil sampling program. This is a balanced approach to soil nutrient supplementation that allows for more grain and more forage production than ever before. If a field has areas with adequate or high soil test scores, fertilizer applications may be reduced or eliminated while areas with lower fertility may receive a higher allocation of nutrients. This allows for a possible increase in yield potential, more efficient input expenditure and therefore, an increase the field’s profitability! That’s a Win-Win approach!

Our precision ag services offerings include:
• Grid sampling
• Variable-rate fertilizer application and recommendations
• Variable-rate lime recommendations
• Variable-rate seeding recommendations
• Drone crop scouting
Each of these services is designed for efficiency and your profitability. Contact our agronomy team to schedule any of the precision ag services, today! Call 715-255-8507.